Thursday, October 30, 2008




Painting of the Bow that I gave Mikeal for his birthday

What's Up guys? I have been working all week in preparation for Halloween, I went out last nite to The Rainbow Bar & Grill for their annual Halloween Bash, tons of cool costumes and I had a blast with my friends...

Megan and Jessica

Manda and Perry

Manda and her chauffeur

Sara, Ry and Manda

Me in the full make-up

Thank you Ry-Heen, Sara, Manda, David, Jessica and Megan for coming... I am really looking forward to Friday, and the whole Santa Monica, Sunset on Halloween. So crazy, I will post those pics too, but for now enjoy last nite.

Thank You Mikeal for the invite! You are the Prince of the Sunset Strip.


MY SINGER has been making shirts...late at nite, after I go to bed...


Also I am planning my trip with Manda to the UK and to Amsterdam as well. Really looking forward to that trip, so many cool things to do and BEST of all we will get to do them with our friends, that we haven't seen in way too long...


Amy, Manda and Andi

I will update with new stuff this weekend, more Halloween pics etc... Also don't forget to Barack the Vote Tuesday!



Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hello, Everyone.... I am finally back, it has been almost a month since my last blog... Not my fault entirely... I guess I should catch you all up on what has been happening. I was actually in a holding pattern on this website for the last month or so because the webguy that was hired to build the site decided he didn't want to finish it, because he had done too much work for too little pay... Apparently he thought he could just make me wait forever... This site was supposed to be fully operational by June/July 2008....that was over four months ago... and he was still not finished. The main problem was that he was a friend of my family, and I thought I was getting a deal, instead I was getting the shaft. I have learned a very valuable lesson in this whole ordeal, but I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.

I figured you like to see a few pics of the artist and friends from the other day:

The First one is me and my Sister's Dog Mr. Groove, The next one is Andi, Me and Manda, then Manda and Mike, and the last pic is of Me and Sy.

I am just very happy all of that bullshit is over, and the site is up and running, and I would like to thank Jessica Amen. She is CEO/Project Director of Kreatliv, LLC. She along with her staff and designers; programmers cleaned up the mess, made it better, more efficient, and did it all quickly and under estimate. Awesome attitude, very professional, and I really appreciate the way the site has turned out... If you are wanting a site built for you or your company, Kreatliv is the choice for you. Check them out online at:

Or contact Jessica directly to speak about the services available at:

I should have had Jessica finish this site months ago, it looks terrific.

What else has been going on you ask? Well, I have begun to develop a clothing line with my sister, Manda,called Loss Angeless, yes that's right not a typo, there are supposed to be four "S's". Loss Angeless Clothing will be in boutiques soon, is available currently by commission, and can be seen on musicians, artists, and actors around the city, and soon around the globe. We decided to get musicians, celebs, athletes to wear the line, a quick promotional trick I know, and we have had minimal successes so far.. Just need to get to the next step... automation. Check these Pics out:

ALSO... I have been working on new Kustom Kicks, these are Air Force Ones: ENJOY.

I hope everything continues to get better in the finance department, because I have pretty much gone all in on this...I need to have some success pretty quick or this whole party is about to be over...Speaking of...

Being away for so long I haven't been able to bring up the debates the election etc... I know that all of ya'll out there have been watching this like it's a football game for about as long as the NFL season.... It seems like decades ago since the primaries, and now with only two weeks to go I am really starting to get election fatigue. I guess most out there have made up their mind about how they are going to vote. I just hope that when Barrack is elected he does what he says he will. I just hope that he tries to unite this country, and with a majority in the House and the Senate the Democrats will have a chance to push through legislation that can help this fucking place....they have to get it done. And honestly if we don't find a new economic boom, hopefully in the green-eco job sector etc... a new fuel; a new way to look at energy etc... We can be the new leaders in that new technology... if we make the choices now and we try to build that sector instead of chasing after the last century and continue to mortgage the future of this society so we can drive dinosaurs from Detroit... what the fuck are we doing?

The entire economic mess holy shit. and all of this with two wars going on halfway around the world. I was watching a PBS special last nite on KCET on LBJ. I guess it was 12 or so last nite, and I was thinking watching that... how closely some of his presidency is mirrored by bush with the regard to Terrorism, if that is really a word, not a made up concept... Vietnam was fought for the same antiquated backass reasoning as Iraq is being waged right now, and Afghanistan is a complete re-run of Vietnam too. It is like Bush dodge the real thing in the 60's and now he has two mini-Vietnams, with no draft, and private security forces like Blackwater being paid 3 times as much as our troops so we can protect our interest in the middle east, strategically position ourselves to fuck with Iran next, and funnel cash to the big shooters that have the gov't contracts to "rebuild" what we leveled flat with our shock and awe and initial invasion.

Vietnam killed LBJ, who was a no-good career politician, that lucked into the job when they capped JFK, and then this guy who ran on a segregationist platform for the senate, decides he wants to be Abe Lincoln, and create The Great Society... The only problem was for his re-election he had to appear tough on the Commies so he sent troops to Vietnam and used them as pawns in his re-election, further escalating the war through-out the presidential race to gain further support, even while he was leading Goldwater by an insurmountable lead. How many kids were killed so LBJ could make up for his failed electoral bids? He stole his first election, and he had a hand in stealing the election for Kennedy in 1960, now he was blasting Goldwater, flying stop to stop in a helicopter, and tossing out his stetson over the crowd, which he had retrieved by aides, and was fucking pissed if they didn't get it back and took it out of their check to replace them.... He reminds me of Bush.. He was supposed to be a great guy, funny, endearing warm etc, but could be nasty, rude, stubborn and a complete fucking dick. LBJ never read a book. This is not a jab, this is a fact, I am not saying he is illiterate, I am just saying he never read a book, and he didn't follow sports, nor play them, and he was a completely lost when it came to anything except politics, so he was in the truest form a career politician, and that is all he knew, I think that Bush is a lot like him... He seems like a nice guy, he acts like he is on a mission from GOD, and I really think he thinks he is doing the right thing...or he really is a fucking dumbass, or a the greatest pimp in the world. Use 9-11 whether it was your doing or not to declare essentially martial law, enact the Patriot act change the Constitution, take away our rights, scare the hell out of everyone, back up and bankrupt the airlines, drive fuel prices through the roof, piss away trillions of dollars on a war with a country that had nothing to do with our fucking problems, and now we allow the stock market top nosedive, and we as taxpayer have to bail them all out WTF? WMD's? Unbelievable...

Let me get this right Guys with box-cutters jumped the pilots and staff, no one stopped them, and they flew into the twin towers, the pentagon, and into a field in PA. Right, and then as a retaliation we Americans were told to Spend. and that we would get the guys that did it...except I really think the guys that did it were the same guys that said they were going to find.. Kinda like O.J. when he said he would never rest until he found the real killer...Never rest...except to play golf, write a book about how you did it, and commit armed robbery in Las Vegas... Bush got exactly what he wanted another Pearl Harbor, a way to make the cattle scared again so they will consume and give their rights away for the imaginary illusion of safety...and to unite in a common cause behind Bush and Jesus against Islam, and anyone else that was not on our side, whatever that means...He has created a new cold war, but better, these guys are smart, now instead of a country that we have to hate, and they can collapse ie: USSR, we have Terrorist, and anyone can be one, mainly you have to have dark skin, and a different point of view than Bush or the Right etc, but mainly dark skin... main requirement. But look at McVeigh; Terrorist; Bill Ayers, etc terrorists, just like Bin Laden,remember him, and all those other guys that look like him... New scary enemy and the best thing is all they have to do is call in a terror alert anytime they want to get the cattle's attention. Stupid Kennedy having to wait around for Castro and Khrushchev to stir up some real shit. Bush and the boys just invent it and suddenly we are in Iraq, and now if we aren't careful Iran, or Pakistan, shit wee are already running raids there, like Laos and Cambodia during Vietnam... We are just now being told, but it has been going on for 4 years.

My take on this whole thing is real simple BUSH doesn't read either. LBJ obviously never picked up a book on Vietnam, and or its history, and as a result made horrendous mistakes that mirrored the French, now Bush is mirroring LBJ. This will be his legacy, a gigantic mess. It really makes you embarrassed.. We made all this shit up to make people scared and then we fuck that up by not catching the guy we blamed, instead we go and pick a fight with a dude that we got elected, and then somehow try to tie the two together... Unbelievable. But America is so fucking stupid that it bought it, and now after spending all that time money and lives in Iraq we still cant just pick up and leave, even as our economic woes worsen, wouldn't it be nice to have the government help out its citizens instead of rebuild Iraq, a country that hates us for invading them, is still trying to blow our troops up, and can't run a hot dog cart much less a country. I just see other countries around the world and they have low crime rates high literacy rate, nationalized heath care, and their citizens pay less taxes, and live longer, breathing clean air, Shit Monaco gives it's subjects free cable TV. I just would like to see us come home from the wars, fix the economy with new eco jobs, and get healthcare under control. The market will correct itself, and the tax payers don't need to keep footing the bill for Bush's fuck-ups. Hell Nixon was a crook, but at least he got us out of Vietnam. Maybe Barrack can get us out of Iraq and then we as a nation have to pull together not divide apart. I just can't see how some one could possibly vote for the McCain-Palin ticket. I guess there are so many people out there that watch Fox news, and live in the 1960's, thinking that segregation is a good thing, and that this place is going to hell in a handbasket, because women want the right to choose. I guess they want a dumbass like themselves to be President of Vice-President. I thought that was what happened last time, W.? I think we should have some one that is smart someone that is smarter than a fifth grader, smarter than Joe the Plummer, and Smarter than BUSH. I want some one I can count on to get people's names right, be coherent, and not look like corpse. Obama is the first Candidate for President that I think resembles me at all. and I am not talking skin tone. I am talking about intelligence, something that actually matters. I will be so glad when we as a country finally elect the smart guy, not the retard that puts the lampshade on his head and pees on the TV.

Here's the kicker, this election is going to divide and already has, this county, just like the elections of the 1960's divided this country. Mainly young and old, parents and children, and unfortunately across this county black and white male and female. I hope we all come back together after this shit is over... I don't need a re-run of those long hot summer nights, or the assignations that preceded and followed... I hope we as a country have really truly turned the corner..however, I was watch a piece on the election machines produce by Diebold that were used in the 2000 and 2004 election, and I know for a fact after watching that documentary that there was voter fraud in both of those elections, and the systems manufacturer was donating to political parties all over the country to get the contracts... The software is hackable, and I really think that if this election doesn't come out like the exit polls we will have a recount or a riot this time. I just hope that the people are heard this time.

My main concern for Nov 4th is that people will get in the booth in those battleground states like Ohio, or Michigan, or Virginia, or Mew Mexico and Nevada, and they will have their votes altered or not reported or counted as negative, or worse yet tossed out... Just like in Florida, right now those same machines with the same glitches are still in use all over the country, and Diebold and the other machine suppliers are getting multimillion dollar contracts... They all but guarantee the election to the officials that approve the purchase of the machines, and we a re talking about Millions of Dollars and thousands of votes.

ALSO you have the I Hate Niggers factor. There are tons of folks out there in those same states that just can't vote for a black man. They will say they haven't made up their mind that they are undecided, all they are undecided about is which lie they will tell to themselves to justify voting for McCain. They know deep inside they are racist, and they can't bring themselves to say it, also most of these people also hate gays, and anyone that is not in love with Jesus, as well as everyone else out there that is not like them; small minded, bigoted, racist, and ignorant. These are the people that McCain and Palin are playing to now, they are running on hate. And really folks if that is what this country is all about, idiots easily swayed by scare tactics and duped by Jesus and Soccer Milfs into shotgun weddings and cubical beautification projects. There is no surprise that the country that is addicted to credit and drugs, uses credit to buy drugs to numb the pain of being broke and addicted to drugs...

Also on one last pathetic note. The Cowboys have officially fucking lost it... Wade is lost, ROMO, what a fucking Pussy, you make how much?, Pacman, are you serious? and T.O shut the fuck up dude and catch some passes. And the Dallas Secondary OMFG unbelieable, has more whole in it that Sarah Palin's Resume. I am offically done with these guys. The Red Sox are also out of the playoffs. I will say this much they played their ass off, especially Coco Crisp, Dustin Pedroia, Bay, and J. D. Drew when he played....disappointed with Papi, and the rest... they needed to come up big one last time and they just couldn't get it done... Good luck Rays and Phils, I won't be watching unless my Bud Ry wants to, he is a Phillies Phan... So yeah he hates life pretty much, except this year I hope his team gets it done. Well I guess I will wax poetically later on this evening, I promise I will try and keep this current. I also have a ton more to update all of you on, so check back in soo.

ALSO I just wanted to say how much i am going to miss Paul Newman, he was on my list of people to meet, just will have to watch cool hand luke instead. I am still Here!